
IG: @katiebug.44

Instructor: Aerial Silks Level 1-2

Come try something new with me!

Hi I’m Katie and I started my aerial arts journey in 2020 when I decided I needed to find ways to move my body, but hated going to the gym. Prior to discovering my love for aerial fitness across various apparatuses, I had never played a sport, or taken a dance or fitness class outside of high school. Really the only thing I brought with me was anxiety and curiosity to try something I had never done before. What kept me coming back every week were the challenges, the strength, the community, the confidence and the overall sense of accomplishment I get every time I successfully get a move that I’ve worked for. I strive to allow each and every student a place to be comfortable to try something new, and try it over and over again because this is hard stuff, but we can all get there with practice.

When I’m not in Wonderland, catch me relaxing after work with a good book or on the couch with a show and my little family.